In this inspiring episode, Jason talks with Mike McKinley of One Meal. One Meal, born from the kindness of Mike's 13-year-old daughter, has fed the Mobile, Alabama homeless, hungry, and the working poor every Sunday, 52 weeks a year, for ten years. With the help of volunteers and contributions from individuals, churches, schools, civic clubs, service organizations, and businesses, the small non-profit serves on average of 150 people and operates a food bank and pantry. Mike shares with Jason his passion for cooking, his calling for helping others, inspiring others to help, and the challenges of keeping One Meal in operation.

Click here for more information or to donate to One Meal.

Key Takeaways

Mike McKinley and One Meal is making a real impact in the lives of those neediest in Mobile and Baldwin County.

One Meal is always in need of financial donations, volunteers, local awareness, and your prayers.

One Meal operates as a huge for like-minded non-profits and charitable groups in the area.

Volunteering time and energy in local charities and service organizations is a great way to add some perspective and some satisfaction in your life.

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Quotable and Notable

There are people out there that work and can pay the utilities and what have you. And then they have nothing left for food. So we try to help out a little bit along the way. - Mike McKinley

Our calling is to feed the hungry. We're not there to try to solve anyone's life problems. We're just there to be friends, provide a little food, make sure they have something to eat. - Mike McKinley

Your calling is to answer the need not necessarily to try to figure out where the need comes from, or much less provide judgment about why a person is in need. It is just the calling is to serve. - Jason Will

What we do is we give people the security that they know that every Sunday afternoon at four o'clock they can get a meal in Downtown Mobile. - Mike McKinley

What you are bringing it to light here is these people need to eat every other week of the year. - Jason Will

One Meal provides a central location for you to connect with people to help the homeless. It's a good starting point. - Mike McKinley

You can come down you can help the homeless, you can satisfy your needs for wanting to help someone, and you don't have to search all over and just come to One Meal and go from there. - Mike McKinley

If people are just not in a good place in their life, whether they hate their job or have a bad family life, or just dissatisfied. Getting involved with One Meal or any of these multiple organizations out there that are dedicated to serving others is a way that they can kind of fill a gap within themselves. - Jason Will

One Meal is for those that need to be served and for the people that need to serve. - Mike McKinley

You never truly own anything unless you give it away that the value of it is not there unless it is providing for somebody else filling a need in some way. - Jason Will

Enjoyment of life is rooted in the service of others. - Jason Will

It's not just the food. It's not just the money. It's not having enough people to volunteer. It's just wanting everybody to realize to do what you can do. Not everybody is going to have something they can give other than prayer. Mike McKinley