Thanks to her unique marketing approach and belief of being entirely, unashamedly herself on social media realtor Amy B. Cotney has established herself as a top real estate agent and local celebrity in her city of Auburn, Alabama. Amy podcasts, does Facebook Live, Instagram stories, interviews people on the street on Facebook, and gives back to her community. She's a big believer in being the digital mayor of Auburn and truly connects with her neighbors, other business owners, and her new clients. And it has really paid off. With local and national followers and fans 80% of her real estate business is generated from her proactive, fun, and crazy like a fox social media referral marketing and prospecting strategy.


You can still be knowledgeable with your social media, but have a little bit of fun as well. Real estate marketing is 24 hours, and you have to get noticed and do something different Elevate your brand but elevating others and other businesses. Dive in to social media, have fun, keep it simple, and don't judge yourself so hard.



Amy B. Cotney -   facebook  |  Instagram  |  Website

Quotable and Noteable:

On social media, you can still be knowledgeable with your videos, but have a little bit of fun as well. - Amy Cotney

You're not stuck in the office or worrying about where your next piece of business is coming from. You're out there being proactive, enjoying what you do, and having fun. - Jason Will

You've got to do something a little bit different. You can't just post I sold this house today, that does not work anymore. - Amy Cotney

So I'm a big believer in give, give, give. So, I am a believer in being the digital mayor of the town. - Amy Cotney

I am one that's out there, like touching people in the community. I also spend marketing money on other little things like hot buys going around to customers as well. - Amy Cotney

I'm always in marketing mode. - Amy Cotney

So when you're elevating the brand of a business, at the same time you're elevating your business. Sharing is caring. - Amy Cotney

Social media is a 24-hour networking event or cocktail party. I feel like a lot of folks are missing the boat when it comes to the engagement. - Jason Will

I feel like with this day and age with the ADD world; you have to do the little things and a little bit different than just posting a picture of a house. - Amy Cotney

People are so judgmental on themselves. And that's one reason why they're scared to dive into Facebook and Instagram videos. - Amy Cotney

The stuff that gets the most feedback is when it is not planned at all. And I'm just out there on a whim. It doesn't have to be a big production. - Amy Cotney

I'm not happy Amy all the time. And if I'm having a down day. I will use that in a post. It's not all sunshine and rainbows all the time. - Amy Cotney

I started my podcast too because that's a different way of putting yourself out there and prospecting. - Amy Cotney

If you're a real estate agent, you get paid to participate. - Jason Will

Your social media content needs to share the value of what your community is doing, what your market is doing. But do it in a different way than everyone else. So that's what I do, I plant seeds every single day. - Amy Cotney



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IMPACT Agent is recorded and produced at Deep Fried Studios - Mobile, Alabama.
Producer: Johnny Gwin