Rocky Garza helps people find the clarity to know why they are, confidence to believe in themselves and the courage to live it out every day. Rocky is a speaker, disrupter, and people expert and for 15 years have walked with thousands of individuals to help them discover their TRUEST self, story, and direction. In this episode, Jason asks Rocky to share his insights on the most common causes of self-doubt, rebuilding your confidence, vulnerability as an asset, and creating authentic connections in your business and personal life.

Key Takeaways:

You needed to find that clarity of self within yourself. The only thing that allows us to create a real and true connection with another human being is a story.  We can't control the narrative that is told to us about us, but we can only control the narrative that we tell ourselves. To find our true self, we must get out of the way of ourselves. Finding your community is essential in Rocky's philosophy and mindset.


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We have to have a clarity to understand who we are at our core. - Rocky Garza

Our story is the only thing that we have; everything else can be gone boom in an instant. But our story is all I've got. - Rocky Garza

I take individuals, or teams in for a day, we spend eight hours together diving into who you are, what that means, why that matters. - Rocky Garza

Identity Mapping creates a map of that to give us some language to know how we're representing ourselves everyplace else in the world. - Rocky Garza

It's selfish to understand yourself and do nothing with it. - Rocky Garza

I think you've got to have the ability to know who you are so that you know the impact that you want to make. - Rocky Garza

You choose to do things in order to maintain your status of not being a disappointment is that we think about most. - Rocky Garza

The boulder the thing in front of us is ourselves, but was because we don't actually see what's true. - Rocky Garza

I find that people have a problem getting to this place of vulnerability because they want to try to please everybody. - Jason Will

False isolation is we live in a space where we assume we are covered with friends and people. And yet, we never feel like anybody actually gets us knows us or understands us. - Rocky Garza 

Once you can get people to get out of their own way, they're going to achieve tremendous results. - Rocky Garza

Agent's social media should be about their story. Not necessarily, just the people they are doing business, or a product or a service. - Jason Will

If you are an agent who is selling residential homes, and you rent an apartment, you better change your narrative and change the story. Pitch the story to me in a way that makes it believable. - Rocky Garza

Disclosure and vulnerability are very different. - Rocky Garza



We would like to know what you think about the IMPACT Agent podcast. Do you agree with Jason? Did any of these ideas help you? Let us know by contacting us at [email protected].

Thanks for listening.

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JWRE's goal is to be informative and helpful. Through our service, we hope to earn your business with our exemplary level of service and extensive local knowledge of the Mobile & Baldwin County area.

IMPACT Agent is recorded and produced at Deep Fried Studios - Mobile, Alabama.
Producer: Johnny Gwin