In this episode, Jason talks with marketing coach Jonathan Hawkings, CEO of The Hashtag Agent, a top-ranked 1% real estate brokers in the country. Jonathan's other talent is to help real estate professionals and entrepreneurs create a business and life they love. He does this by teaching basic and advanced social media marketing strategies and tactics that anyone can pick up. So, turn up the headphones and get ready to start taking notes on how to combine brain science, intel, and storytelling to save you time and generate more business. It's time to stop chasing leads and start attracting sales.


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There are four cycles to marketing. Understand them first and then implement them.

If you don't understand the four cycles of marketing, you are not maximizing your organic marketing and wasting money with your paid Facebook ads.

Social media allows you to execute all four cycles of marketing.

Great storytelling sells.

Any great story has a beginning, a middle and an end. Just like any marketing cycle has a beginning, a middle and an end.

Jonathan and The Hashtag Agency's fundamental four marketing cycles will work for any business or service.



Quotable and Notable

It's not just setting up your Facebook business page; it's optimizing it.

If you start running Facebook ads, but you don't have an optimized page, you'll have to spend more for those ads to reach people.

Any great digital marketer has a marketing cycle. This is the same cycle that you can use in any type of business.

Most people don't have a marketing cycle, they may have a content calendar, or something that they're continuing to push out, but they don't understand marketing from the way that the brain works.

There are always four different types of stages the human brain goes through with any marketing.

If you want somebody to sign up for an event, you don't sell the event, give them a free piece of content to provide them with a micro piece of the event.

If you're just posting on Facebook and you don't understand and implement this marketing cycle, you're not going to get anything from it.

When you tell facts, the brain is using two portions, when you tell stories, the brain is using five, and it's the easiest way to get into the back of the

Once you're able to someone to ascend to the next level, they're ten times more likely to conduct business with you from the mere fact that they've engaged with you.

Don't just talk about the fact that you just listed a house. Talk about the hurdles that it took to get the listing and how many things you did and what you do to get it.

On social media most people are trying to be somebody that they're not, and they're trying to resonate with somebody who is not going to resonate with them.

Update your name, address, email, phone number, and URL to be the exact same thing across five different social media platforms.

Whether you're a candle maker or a dentist, you should understand that you should be a marketer at some point.



Thanks for listening.

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Contact Jason - Impact Agent Coaching
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IMPACT Agent is recorded and produced at Deep Fried Studios - Mobile, Alabama.
Producer: Johnny Gwin