In this episode of the Salescast Podcast, Collin talks about the etiquette of a positive guest experience that benefits you, the host, and the audience listening. It starts with investing in appropriate hardware to ensure the quality of the recording. Next is creating outreach lists. And finally, Collin drills down what good outreach looks like and how you can craft your messaging to attract podcast hosts to let them consider you to be their guest.



Invest in a good mic and cameraCreate a list and do your researchWrite a review and add value to listenersBad outreach versus good outreach 



Collin: "When you're reaching out to these podcast hosts, the fact that you have a good professional setup is going to increase the positive reply rate of people inviting you on their show."

Collin: "Here's two simple ways to create a list. Go to or go to Sales Navigator. So you can go to Sales Navigator or you can do the search without Sales Navigator. Search podcast hosts. You can start with your first-degree connections, then you can move to your second, third, or people that you're in groups with. The other option is you can go to Listen Notes."

Collin: "Hit the three things they care about. One, do you actually know anything about their show. Number two, they care about reviews. Number three, can you add value to their listeners?"


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