In this episode of the Salescast Podcast, Collin discusses how to get noticed as a guest the right way. It all starts with a story and Collin breaks down the elements that make yours great. He also shares actionable tips for you to best prepare for a guesting, including doing your research, being aware that rambling is a bad idea, and sharing the podcast at every opportunity you can. This all contributes to creating an enjoyable experience that the host will definitely remember you for.


3 parts to a story: Setup, conflict, resolutionGet noticed as a guest the right wayTips to prepare for a podcast guest appearance


Collin: "You want to get noticed and stand out in the right way. You don't want to show up to a podcast and it to be boring. You don't want to show up to a podcast and it'd be all about you. You don't want to show up to a podcast and it'd just sound like some big, boring, snorefest sales pitch."

Collin: "Do your research on the host. Listen to some episodes. Do some prep work. Have a great story to share, which we covered a little bit of that. Make sure you're focused on delivering value. Extremely important."

Collin: "Every possible opportunity that you have to promote the episode, do so. If you have a newsletter, share it in your newsletter. If you have a blog, write about it in your blog. If you can share it on your website, do that."

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