I'm really excited to introduce today's episode because I had the opportunity to interview Dani Fox, who's the chief operating officer of the Institute of interpersonal hypnotherapy. She's also a lead instructor, she happened to be my instructor, as well as the North Carolina location director. 

Dani is just an amazing woman, she has so much incredible experience, and has really seen and done so much in her life. And honestly, we are all honored to have her on the show. I really hope you enjoy this interview, I'm going to be asking her some questions revolving around the idea of happiness, you know, what is happiness? What does it take to be happy in life? And how can we start to change our perception of certain things that we see and deal with to actually become happier in just our daily experience? And so that's what this interview is kind of wrapped around. 

But we talked about a lot of different things. So I really just want you to kind of sit back, enjoy this one. It's a little bit longer, but a really, really fun interview. And again, you know, Dani, if you're listening, I just want to say thank you so much. 

Actually, at the time of this recording, I am now graduated, I am officially a certified clinical hypnotherapist, and thank you to you for all of your amazing training and leadership, and guidance through this program. It really has been one of the most rewarding things that I've ever done in my life. 

I really, really appreciate you, and thank you for coming on the show. For everyone listening. This interview was actually recorded about a month ago. So prior to my graduation, so a little bit back and forth in the timeline here, but I just wanted to share this one with you. I really hope you enjoy it. So sit back and enjoy the interview.