Hey, everyone, welcome back to the podcast and welcome to part two of how A Course in Miracles can brighten your life. So we left off in the last episode with Matthew Brownstein talking about this idea of suffering, right, and how we all suffer in our life, because of this disconnect from our Creator. Now, however you see God, whatever you call that, right, this idea of a higher power, a higher being a creator of this life that we live, all suffering comes from this separation from that source. We're here on Earth, thinking that we are on our own, right, that we're alone, and that we're left to deal with our life. And this is what creates all of the different types of suffering in the world by thinking that we are having to take it all on ourselves, and whatever you might be feeling whether it's fear, or pain, or guilt, or shame, or any of the other negative feelings that arise, really out of the base emotion of fear stems from this fear of being alone. And so this is really what Matthew is talking about. And we're gonna pick right back up into the conversation. And yeah, there's just so much to learn. So I really hope you're enjoying these episodes. I really appreciate you listening. And if you haven't already, please make sure you leave us a rating and review on iTunes. Let us know what you think about the show. And if you have any ideas for topics that you'd like us to cover, let us know that as well. All right, let's get right into it.