Today's episode starts off a little different than some of the other ones, you'll notice that the energy is a little bit different. That first clip that you just heard is actually from a meditation that is included towards the end of this episode. And it's a meditation that Matthew facilitates, that really is going to help us find peace and calmness in any circumstance that we might be experiencing right now in our life. You know, and I think that this episode is really important right now, with the current times that we're in, because we're living in a difficult world right now, you know, no matter where you are in the world, there's a lot that's going on, that we probably have never had to deal with before some of the decisions we're having to make some of the things that we're having to deal with, it can seem like it's unfair, or just doesn't make sense, why we're having to deal with some of the things we're dealing with. But anyway, the main theme of this episode is looking into the space between what's real and what's not real, and kind of separating the truth from the illusion, you know, who are you versus Who do you think you are? It's a really deep concept, it's a deep question. And Matthew does a great job of breaking it down. So I really recommend that you set aside some time and give yourself a place to really sit down and just kind of focus in on this material, while actually going through the meditation and maybe not, you know, doing other things while listening to this one. I know that usually with a podcast, you're kind of listening passively while you're doing other stuff. Maybe you're working, maybe you're driving, that's totally cool. Obviously, you can listen to this while doing those things. But you'll get the maximum benefit if you set aside some time, and actually allow yourself to go deep into the meditation, and to really internalize and sort of ask the questions, do the exercises that Matthew presents, give yourself the space and the time to really see what comes up? I think it's going to be really eye-opening and enlightening for you. I know it was for me. And I think that this concept of you know, who am I versus who do I think I am, is again, it's really deep, it's really profound. And it helps us get to a place where we can be peaceful, and we can be calm, and we can really truly become happy, regardless of what's going on around us. So anyway, that's my schpeel we're gonna jump right into it. And I really think you're going to enjoy this one.