In the hustle and bustle of our modern lives, finding inner peace can seem like an elusive dream. The constant demands of work, relationships, and the fast-paced world can leave us feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and disconnected. Our nervous system plays a pivotal role in how we experience the world and respond to stressors. In this episode, Joel Emily and Kate Kilfroy embark on a topic and explore the art of regulating your nervous system and how learning to control it can be a transformative journey towards a more tranquil and harmonious existence to achieve profound serenity in your everyday life. 




Show notes:

02:43 - Kate’s Introduction

Chronic illness and symptoms of Kate while pregnant

Having holistic lifestyle

10:25 - How to regulate the nervous system with neuroscientist

Rewiring the subconscious

12:20 - Having a wrecked nervous system

addressing traumas within the body

recognition of triggers

going back to basics

19:11 - Why do people find it hard to recognize and make that switch 


Knowing what’s going on yourself and understanding where it is coming from

How to maintain a connection to your body

33:29 - Recognizing you’re not alone

Having the courage to ask for help

Intrusive thoughts

40:23 - What you can do next (Top 3)

Asking for professional help

Importance of breakfast

Taking a step back before reacting to the situation

Doing the inner work and simplifying things








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