Snacking is something that most people find difficult to resist. It's all too easy to mindlessly munch on chips or candy while watching TV or working at your desk. It is a common struggle many of us face. However, when snacking becomes a habit, it can lead to unhealthy eating habits and weight gain. Suppose you find yourself snacking too much and want to break the pattern in this episode. In that case, Joel and Emily delve into the problem of snacking and explore practical strategies to curb the impulse and regain control over your snacking habits.





02:50 - Part 1: Why We Snack

03:05 - Metabolic INflexibility



culture/processed foods

07:05 - Diet culture

Government guidelines to reduce fat, eat often, breakfast is the most important part of the day, etc.

09:26 - Part 2: Why we want to move away from Snacking

09:38 - Metabolic flexibility 

10:35 - Gut health / metabolic health/longevity

11:25 - Weight loss or maintenance 

16:48 - Part 3: What we want to aim for with food timing and meals

17:10 - First, determine if you tend to have blood sugar issues, high cortisol, or are metabolically INflexible

18:15 - Next, bigger meals that have fat, fiber and protein, and HYDRATION

24:55 - Next, try small bouts of fasting by waiting 12-16 hours to eat overnight OR fast cardio in the morning.

27:43 - Part 4: tips to stop snacking so much



Plan for more balanced meals with more protein, fat, and fiber



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