Becoming a "Go-to" advisor is about becoming an expert.  Advisors can become experts by publishing on social media.  Many of the most successful advisors today have established a very robust social media presence as they know potential clients want to read about you online before making any decisions.  So, what do they wish to see from you?  Research supports that investors expect you to be highly competent, or even have expert status in knowing and solving their challenges, and they want to see proof.  If they can't find proof of your competency there is good chance you never will speak with them.  That is what makes social media so powerful today.  

In last week's episode we talked about how you can interview your clients and Centers of Influence in the market you are targeting.  The knowledge you gain in those interviews can easily be written about in blogs, podcasts, articles, postings, etc. in your social media platforms.  So, you have plenty of opportunities to become an expert.  You just need the platform.  

By listening to this episode you will learn how to determine which platforms you should use to reach your target.  We will share some insights on the different platforms, and we'll discuss the steps for testing and enhancing the effectiveness of your publishing campaigns.  Taken together, this show will help you on your journey to becoming the "Go-to" advisor in your marketplace.