A "go-to" advisor is an expert to a particular group of people.  It is worthwhile to become an expert as studies show people are far more likely to hire a financial advisor if they feel that person is an expert at solving their problems and challenges.  So how do you become an expert?  It is easier than you'd think.  Just ask the right questions.  

By listening to this episode you will learn how one advisor is positioning himself as the "go-to" advisor to the construction trade by gaining insights into their behavior.  We'll discuss how he identified a Center of Influence within that target to learn about the mistakes people in that group often make.  If you know what mistakes your target audience makes, you too will be able to position yourself as the advisor best suited to solve your ideal clients' challenges.  Then you will be able to mobilize your newfound expert status to everyone in your target audience and to all the professionals who share your passion for that market.  You just need to ask the right questions and you are on your way.