If you are talking about the future, then you need the language of the future. The language of the future is vision. But no matter what your vision is, it has to be practical. So, what is a vision?

If you ask a hundred people, you will get a hundred answers or maybe more. I was surprised when Dr. Oleg Konovalov said that only 0.1% have a vision as per his research. Many others are either faking it, or they simply don't have it!

I had to find out more. So, I invited him to the ICT Podcast.

We talk about:

What is vision, and why is it important?What is the difference between vision and wishful thinking?Personal ambitions are not a vision; why?Why many leaders falter when executing their vision?Important parameters that strengthen vision.About his book, "The Vision Code."

Oleg is a thought leader, author, business educator, consultant, and coach with over 25 years of experience operating businesses and consulting Fortune 500 companies both in the UK and internationally.

Oleg is on the Thinkers50 Radar, recognized as #1 Global Thought Leader on Culture by Thinkers 360, is #1 Global Leading Coach (Marshall Goldsmith Thinkers50), and has been named one of the Top 10 most inspiring global thought leaders by The Excellent.

Having been named ‘the da Vinci of Visionary Leadership’ by many leading authorities of our time, Oleg Konovalov helps companies create and execute their vision, diagnose and treat organizational diseases, and maintain a strong, productive corporate culture and achieve superior business performance.

He is the author of The Vision Code (2021), LEADEROLOGY (2019), Corporate Superpower (2018), Organisational Anatomy (2016), and Hidden Russia (2014).

His research identifies entrepreneurs’ and managers’ strategic needs in corporate culture, leadership, and he uses corporate diagnostics to enable them to drive their companies to success.

Oleg received his doctoral degree from the Durham University Business School. He is a visiting lecturer at several business schools, a Forbes contributor, and a high-demand speaker at major conferences worldwide.

About the Podcast:
ICT Podcast all about innovation, communication, and technology – a few key areas that are super important in today’s world. 

If you want to know what it takes to be a better innovator, better communicator, and leverage technology to make this world a better place, please subscribe. Every week, I bring new perspectives, ideas, tips, and techniques so that you can improve all these aspects of your life.

Web: https://www.anandtamboli.com
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Books: https://www.anandtamboli.com/amazon

Music By: https://tunestogo.net

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