One of the most talked-about topics these days is "The Future of Work." Especially now that work from home or work from anywhere is getting predominant.

However, the future of work does not only entail technology and work from home or anywhere. It is more than that. It is how the definition of a career is changing. It is how the way we need to approach our work, experience, and career is changing.

So what's going on? How do you navigate with this new and different normal? Our guest this week, Petra Zink, has some ideas.

We talk about:

What does the best way to work now really mean?What is driving what - tech driving work, or is it the other way round?What does digital literacy mean nowadays? Is there a checklist?How do you see learning and unlearning working now?Any suggestions for distinguishing between good information and bad one?When it comes to certifications and micro-credentials, how much is enough?The new shape of inch-wide and mile-deep expertise.What is a portfolio career?What happens without LinkedIn?

Petra Zink is a certified Personal Branding & Digital Strategist, Speaker, Career Coach & Consultant - specialized in the Future of Work.
She is the Founder of impaCCCt and The360Talent.Co - both companies are designed to future-proof individuals and organizations through re-inventing careers and business models and building Brands that are agile to change.
Petra recently launched the Future of Work Campus, a podcast and a monthly membership for driven corporate professionals who want to not only survive but thrive in this fast-changing world of work.

About the Podcast:
ICT Podcast all about innovation, communication, and technology – a few key areas that are super important in today’s world. 

If you want to know what it takes to be a better innovator, better communicator, and leverage technology to make this world a better place, please subscribe. Every week, I bring new perspectives, ideas, tips, and techniques so that you can improve all these aspects of your life.


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