About Jim Davidson- Jim Davidson is a keynote speaker, resilience expert, best selling author and climber, Jim has had two different TV shows made about different experiences in his life. One featured on NatGeo, and one featured on the Discovery Channel. 


In this episode, Stephen Kirkpatrick, Jennifer and Jim Davidson discuss: 

In this time of COVID, how to stay as safe as possible while still travelling to speaking engagements. Getting used to speaking for a small crowd in a large room. How to adapt your presentation for a virtual conference. Jim’s climb up Mt. Everest during an earthquake.


Key Takeaways: 

 How to have a constructive conversation about keeping a live event safe for everyone involved. ALL of the elements you need to consider for COVID safety including headset mics, sound checks, laptop setup, stage entrance/exit, and more.  There are going to be mistakes, but do the best you can to stay as safe as possible. If you don’t reference COVID in your talk, people may think you’re choosing to ignore it. When there’s a pink elephant in the room, talk about it.   In these uncertain times keep your speeches optimistic, but still realistic. 


"So you have to look really deep inside and realize that as a parent, as a community member, as a member of a country or a member of an industry, this is tough, but we're going to figure this out. It may be really different. It may be longer than we think, we don't know the date, and you may not know the date either, but we're going to hang in there. And we are going to see this through and we will rise again. — Jim Davidson   


Book preview of “The Next Everest”: https://www.amazon.com/Next-Everest-Surviving-Mountains-Resilience/dp/1250272297/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Jim+Davidson+everest&qid=1603686521&s=instant-video&sr=1-1



Connect with Jim Davidson:

Website: https://www.speakingofadventure.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/resiliencewithclimberjim/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ResilienceWithClimberJim/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/climberjim/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/ClimberJimDavidson/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/speakingofadventure/?challengeId=AQH2fA0acnGA4gAAAXVjLU-wmrd8IBsa8OUTQKlEtSxsr98AF3cjKI669OfbiUmnk5C-ffmLSrZa2WGGurb9gP1bn6_QYual2Q&submissionId=3f00500d-9270-4116-794c-a39c09540d7d

Email: [email protected]



Connect with Stephen Kirkpatrick with Executive Speakers Bureau: 

Twitter: @ExecSpeakers 

Facebook: Executive Speakers Bureau 

Website: ExecutiveSpeakers.com 

YouTube: Executive Speakers Bureau: Book Keynote Speakers 

LinkedIn: Executive Speakers Bureau 


 Connect with IASB: 

Twitter: @IASBWEB 

Facebook: International Association of Speakers Bureaus 

Website: IASBWeb.org 

LinkedIn: International Association of Speakers Bureaus 


Show notes by Podcastologist: Strickland Bonner


Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You're the expert. Your podcast will prove it. 


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