In this episode, Jennifer Lier, Josh Linkner discuss: 

Driving outcomes for growth by embracing creativity. Reimagining the way we interact with our customers and come out of this challenge stronger. Adapting in real time rather than overcorrecting.  Mistakes are the portals to discovery.


Key Takeaways: 

Are we behaving in a way that embraces and encourages creativity or in a way that prohibits creativity and creates fear? Build rituals and rewards that bring about our desired outcomes.  Create different ways to interact with customers and team members. Change the person’s role in the meeting to let the creativity flow. Create an Imbizo group that gains an outside perspective to help solve a problem. That collaboration leads to a creative solution. Look ahead rather than be disappointed with the current state of the world. Don’t overcorrect, adapt instead. Stay with your area of expertise and apply it to today’s challenges.  Mistakes help us to grow. Leaders can create a safe environment where all ideas are welcome in order to boost confidence and allow for more creativity. 



“Creative confidence doesn't come from knowing you’re gonna play it perfectly, it comes from knowing for sure you’re gonna screw it up, but then having the confidence to course correct.”—Josh Linkner



Connect with Josh Linkner


Podcast: Creative Trouble Makers

Three Ring Circus: Helping Speakers to Build Their Speaking Practice


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Show notes by Podcastologist: Kristen Braun


Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You're the expert. Your podcast will prove it. 


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