We hosted our first all day continuing education course and though it was virtual due to the pandemic, it was NOT like a typical course.  Learn what we did and how we have so many ideas about holding continuing education courses in the future.  Why we want to shake up the system.

Our NeuroSpark Network (NSN) led by JJ Mowder-Tinney provides continuing education and mentorship to neuro therapists.  When we met JJ, we were all wishing for continuing education to be different.  There has to be a better way to learn, translate knowledge, and have ongoing mentorship in an easy, low stress way with access to people all across the country.

As part of NSN we provided the free one-day course to all members.  The idea beyond this course was that it would be in person so we could have some contact together with the online sessions, but then the pandemic happened.  We moved our one-day course online and here are the things we learned about doing a virtual all day course.  We’ll explain what we did in our day, people’s feedback, and how we’re going to improve it for next time!  We can’t wait for you to experience our unique continuing education programs!

NeuroSpark Network opens Sept 28 - Oct 2.  Learn more so you can join us in the learning and fun by going to https://www.neurocollaborative.com/neurospark 

Anti racist action: Take a Harvard implicit bias test: https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/takeatest.html.  After reading the opening page, at the bottom click “I wish to proceed” and it will take you to a bunch of different implicit bias tests.  They are not diagnostics; just a way to learn more about yourself.