Claire discusses her new PD Foundation grant funded program on brain health.  She’ll go into building programs like this during our free 3-part wellness webinar series.

Also mentioned in this episode are: Episode 7 and 17

September in the NeuroBiz Net is all about marketing for neuro therapists - an area we get a lot of questions! How do you get started w/ getting clients?  How do you build your practice?  What are the best options?

We brainstorm the questions and challenges here and plan to offer more insights after working with our members this month so we can share the best insights with you!  Wellness marketing is different. It’s cash pay.  Not going to work to take MDs lunch for this one.  We discuss several options today. More to come on this topic!

The NeuroBiz Network is open until Sept 18th!! If you want to create a wellness side gig or biz that changes your life, helps your community, and is unstoppable, you need to check it out!

Anti-racist action: TED talk on The Urgency of Intersectionality. Description from the video: “Now more than ever, it's important to look boldly at the reality of race and gender bias -- and understand how the two can combine to create even more harm. Kimberlé Crenshaw uses the term "intersectionality" to describe this phenomenon; as she says, if you're standing in the path of multiple forms of exclusion, you're likely to get hit by both. In this moving talk, she calls on us to bear witness to this reality and speak up for victims of prejudice.”