Krista was a forestry grad from UBC in Vancouver, and her smart brother suggested that Krista would be an excellent mortgage broker, and she was off and running. She found a mentor and learned the underwriting ropes before going out on her own.

Stats 7 years in the industry
Vancouver, BC
MortgagesLab Financial

Krista's Quotes I shall judge nothing that occurs

Good Stuff talk to underwriters with respect and compassion
some deals go sideways - find the nugget to learn from
some lenders have investors who peek at deals
stay in close touch with underwriters
ensure you stay in touch with clients after a deal goes sideways - keep them on your side
to help educated friends and contacts, Krista brands herself on personal Facebook account as Krista Klein MortgageBroker
at a client meeting, the client is there to talk about themselves
what not to put in your newsletter? mortgage news and rate sheets

  More About Krista Website:
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Krista on Facebook

Show References mise en place - everything in its place

Host Scott Peckford

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