Hello everyone!

I'm feeling wishy-washy about this episode. Why? Because I haven't technically worked out my feelings. It's like that time Chandler said on Friends, "Can open. Worms EVERYWHERE!"

Am I mad? Disappointed? Conflicted if Clayton is the worst bachelor in franchise history? Am I happy? Relieved it's over? Counting down the days until Serene's brother Roland is the next bachelor? I just don't know.

What I do know is that ABC showrunners obviously listen to my podcast because I believe it was there when I told Some Guy in Austin that they should experiment with two bachelorettes in one season. I am drunk with power. 

But let's get back to why you are here. You are taking roughly thirty-two minutes out of your precious time to hear what Lincee Ray and Some Guy have to say about Clayton Echard and his former beauty queen girlfriend.

Buckle up, people. We have a LOT to say. Cans open. Worms everywhere. 


Thank you, Last Night's Game! You are AMAZING.

Click HERE to read the recap!

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