Y'all. What is happening on The Bachelor? How did we have so much drama packed into forty-five minutes? There's so much to unpack, and Some Guy in Austin and I make it our mission to figure out precisely what Clay-en is thinking.

Was he going 3 for 3? Does he really love three women?Can we count on that volcano being dormant?Would Susie have walked away with the Future Mrs. Clayton Echard crown if things had gone differently?Did Gabby's grandfather provide foreshadowing last week when he called our bachelor a dingbat?

The answer to all questions is a resounding YES!


Here's the link to our official Bachelorette Bracket we are playing with my favorite sports podcast, Last Night's Game. I can't wait!!!

Click HERE to read the recap!

Click HERE to be sucked in by the stats on Bachelor Data!


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