Well, it seems like just yesterday, Clay-en was the big, bumbling guy trying to capture Michelle’s attention by building forts for children out of hotel bed sheets. 

Now he’s buying flowers, meeting parents, and attempting to judiciously answer the question, “Do you love my daughter?”

It’s hometowns. That means scary siblings, difficult dads, and random wannabes who are either vying for screen time or slowly wishing The Bachelor camera crews would cease and desist capturing every moment of every conversation.

Unfortunately, none of the parents, friends, and family followed the assignment. Instead, we had a bunch of ordinary people on our TV screens, so Some Guy in Austin and I were forced to veer off topic once or twice. 

Or three times. You’re gonna love it. I promise. 


Here’s the link to our official Bachelorette Bracket we are playing with my favorite sports podcast, Last Night’s Game. I can’t wait!!!

Click HERE to read the recap!

Click HERE to be sucked in by the stats on Bachelor Data!


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