This is the second in a four part series of interviews I conducted on October 8th at the Central Library in Virginia Beach, Va during the Indie Author Day book signing.


Before we begin, I want to encourage everyone to visit and support your local library. Libraries have changed a lot over the last 10 years and you can see this by looking at the innovative programs they are developing to encourage lifelong learning and reading. Your local library is more than a just a place with a lot of books. It is a learning center that provides great opportunities for every community. For example the hosting of Indie Author Day events.


I would also like to encourage all independent authors to check out the web site. You can view the web cast that was shared on October 8th and find other Indie Author events being held this year and how you can participate in next year's events. Just click on the "Author Inquiry" link and fill out the contact form.


Vernadine A. Merrick 2:28


Vernadine A. Merrick is the author of "And the Walls Came Tumbling Down… The Secret Life of Senator Jack". Her hardcover edition looked fantastic and the cover art and title would make any fan of political intrigue want to pick it up and begin reading. Ms. Merrick's book can be purchased on Amazon in hardback and Kindle edition.

 Click here to buy the hard cover edition.


  Click here to buy the Kindle edition.


Vernadine A Merrick's Website


YouTube video of Vernadine A. Merrick reading the prologue of her book.


Crystal Walton 8:01

Crystal Walton has authored 6 books in the inspirational romance genre. Her books have great cover art that will intrigue any fan of romance novels. All of her books are available in paperback and Kindle edition. Also, if you go to her website, you get access to exclusive bonus scenes and a free e-copy of her devotional "Your Story Matters".


Crystal Walton's Books Arms of Promise Write Me Home Begin Again Eyes Unveiled (Unveiled Series Book 1) Light Unshaken (Unveiled Series Book 2) Hope Unbroken (Unveiled Series Book 3)


Crystal Walton's Amazon Author Page


Crystal Walton's Website