On October 8, over 300 libraries participated in Indie Author Day. These libraries hosted events that allowed independent authors to share their books with the library patrons. The libraries also featured books by local authors and hosted lectures for potential writers on the publishing process. Our library, The Meyera E. Oberndorf Central Library in Virginia Beach, Virginia hosted a great event. It featured an opportunity for many local independent authors to participate in a book signing event. This allowed these authors to be exposed to the regular weekend patrons of the library. The library also held the following lectures:

“A Guide to Publishing: Things Authors Should Know” – John Koehler “Editing Tips to Fire Up Your Fictions” – Crystal Walton “Rising Above the Noise: How to Increase Your Sales on Amazon.com” – Chris Kennedy A Skype session with A.G. Riddle, author of “The Atlantis Gene”

We also watched a live webcast from indieauthorday.com. It was a very insightful and informative webcast that is good for any author to view. I was so impressed by the diversity of books written by these authors. I was inspired to grab my recording equipment and began conducting short interviews with as many authors as possible. It was wonderful talking with each of the authors I could interview. Their passion for their books and their willingness to take time to share was inspiring. It was at this event that my vision for this site became clear. This site will be a platform to showcase the work of independent and small press authors. The world of publishing is in the process of changing. The barriers that prevented authors for publishing their books have been lowered or destroyed. This means that more books by a wider variety of authors are available. This also means that it is harder for an author to get their book in front of readers. It also means that readers have more choices but many of those choices may never be presented to the reader. “Talking with Authors” will be a bridge between authors and readers. Each week, “Talking with Authors” will bring you interviews with independent and small press authors of all genres. I will also bring you news of book festivals, book signings and any other book related news I can find.

So, let’s start off with two interviews I conducted at the Indie Author event. We begin by talking to Ward Howarth, the author of “River City Blues”. River City Blues is a historical crime thriller set in Richmond, Virginia during the year of 1944. (7 min 46 sec). Then we follow up with a conversation with James L Hill, the author of “Killer with Three Heads” along with several other books. Mr. Hill is an author who writes in many genres. (12 min 12 sec).

Please share this episode with your book reading friends and subscribe to the podcast so you can receive all future episodes. Please use the links below to purchase a copy of the books by Ward Howarth and James L Hill. I have also included links to their websites and social media pages.

Ward Howarth

Twitter:  @ward_howarth

Instagram:  #rivercityblues

James L. Hill

Web Site:  rockhillpublishing.com

Facebook:  @rockhillpublishing

Twitter:  @RockHillPub

On October 8, over 300 libraries participated in Indie Author Day. These libraries hosted events that allowed independent authors to share their books with the library patrons. The libraries also featured books by local authors and hosted lectures for potential writers on the publishing process. Our library, The Meyera E. Oberndorf Central Library in Virginia Beach, Virginia hosted a great event. It featured an opportunity for many local independent authors to participate in a book signing event. This allowed these authors to be exposed to the regular weekend patrons of the library. The library also held the following lectures:

“A Guide to Publishing: Things Authors Should Know” – John Koehler “Editing Tips to Fire Up Your Fictions” – Crystal Walton “Rising Above the Noise: How to Increase Your Sales on Amazon.com” – Chris Kennedy A Skype session with A.G. Riddle, author of “The Atlantis Gene”

We also watched a live webcast from indieauthorday.com. It was a very insightful and informative webcast that is good for any author to view. I was so impressed by the diversity of books written by these authors. I was inspired to grab my recording equipment and began conducting short interviews with as many authors as possible. It was wonderful talking with each of the authors I could interview. Their passion for their books and their willingness to take time to share was inspiring. It was at this event that my vision for this site became clear. This site will be a platform to showcase the work of independent and small press authors. The world of publishing is in the process of changing. The barriers that prevented authors for publishing their books have been lowered or destroyed. This means that more books by a wider variety of authors are available. This also means that it is harder for an author to get their book in front of readers. It also means that readers have more choices but many of those choices may never be presented to the reader. “Talking with Authors” will be a bridge between authors and readers. Each week, “Talking with Authors” will bring you interviews with independent and small press authors of all genres. I will also bring you news of book festivals, book signings and any other book related news I can find.

So, let’s start off with two interviews I conducted at the Indie Author event. We begin by talking to Ward Howarth, the author of “River City Blues”. River City Blues is a historical crime thriller set in Richmond, Virginia during the year of 1944. (7 min 46 sec). Then we follow up with a conversation with James L Hill, the author of “Killer with Three Heads” along with several other books. Mr. Hill is an author who writes in many genres. (12 min 12 sec).

Please share this episode with your book reading friends and subscribe to the podcast so you can receive all future episodes. Please use the links below to purchase a copy of the books by Ward Howarth and James L Hill. I have also included links to their websites and social media pages.

Ward Howarth

Twitter:  @ward_howarth

Instagram:  #rivercityblues

James L. Hill

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