Welcome to episode 3 of Talking With Authors. This is the third in my series of interviews with independent writers at the Indie Author Day event held at the Virginia Beach Central Library on October 8th.


 Lynn Yvonne Moon


Our first author has two series of books plus a children's book. Let's listen to Lynn Yvonne Moon tells us about her books.


Amazon Author Page


Website: www.lynnyvonnemoon.com


Sophia McGregor


Our next author, Sophia McGregor is the author of Resurrection. It was a real pleasure speaking with Sophia and her book cover caught my eye immediately because it was so creative. Let's listen to Sophia McGregor.


Amazon Author Page


Website: www.sophiamcgregorauthor.com


I hope you are enjoying this series of interviews. It was a great pleasure speaking with Lynn Yyonne Moon and Sophia McGregor. Please see the show notes or go to www.talkingwithauthors.com for links to their Amazon Author pages and their web sites. Buy a copy of their books to read or as a gift for a friend.


Please join me next week for the final set of interviews from the Indie Author Day. Also, please go to www.talkingwithauthors.com/subscribe to subscribe to my mailing list. Beginning in January, I will send out an email newsletter informing you of current and upcoming episodes. I will also bring you news of book festivals, author signings and new publications from independent authors. I promise I will not share your email address or spam you. This is the next step in building a resource for book readers who want to hear from new voices.