I love “The Crown” on Netflix! I finished season 4 several weeks ago and one of the scenes sent chills down my spine. It was a conversation between three ladies on whether the newest member of their family would first bend or break. It reminded me that external expectations have an uncanny ability to send one to their wits end! I say enough! You don’t have to bend OR break...there’s a third option available for you. Check out today’s episode to hear about it. 


GREAT NEWS! In order to support you on a more intentional and intimate level, I have decided to reopen a few slots in my schedule for individual coaching sessions. If you need a boost of clarity in your personal life, relationship or business, you want to take advantage of the 35% discount. Schedule your session by visiting: www.iamachie.com/coaching


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This personal development journey is extremely necessary but it can be overwhelming and mind-boggling. Need a little guidance on where to start? Go to www.iAmAchie.com to grab a free audio training & guide on how to simplify the process and only focus on TWO things! That’s right, I’m keeping it simple & actionable! 


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I Achie Podcast is edited and mastered by Podcast Engineers.