Welcome! Martin Nathan, the President of the Florida Society of Clinical Hypnosis (FSCH) and an American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH) supervisor, has been doing hypnosis for 44 years. He and Dr. Liz talk about:

The best time to listen to your hypnosis files How hypnotherapists "know" what to say during a hypnosis to help a client What a trance state is and why kids are easy to hypnotize The differences between stage hypnosis and clinical hypnosis Meditation vs. hypnosis Whether someone can be hypnotized without their consent. Marty also gives an interesting case of hypnosis that took away panic attacks that had lasted 20 years.

Marty can be contacted at http://www.martinnathan.com or 561-353-8474.

See more show notes at  www.hypnotizemepodcast.com/HM18


See more about Dr. Liz and get Free hypnosis files at http://bit.ly/HM-podcast

Dr. Liz's book: http://amzn.to/2gE08FJ