Do you really think you can do it alone? In her experience, what helped Leslie create the level of success she enjoys now in terms of happiness and inner peace is that she had like-minded people around her to do it together with. All alone by yourself, you falter, and at times lose the resolve to continue the journey. When you have all others to have your backing and supporting you, you can always get guided to continue reaching for your goal.  It’s harder to do things on your own, but when done with others who are just as determined and share the same fate you have, you become collaborative. Besides, having someone and a community to hold you accountable for the success you set for yourself makes it all worth it. No one who has reached a level of success in any aspect of their life does it alone. If you want a faster route for a lasting transformation, it’s best to do it with a community. Then, you vibrate in the same wavelength of vibration money and energy as the rest of them. “There is nothing that is more healing than knowing that you are not alone on your path.” - Leslie Thornton

What you will learn from this episode:

02:10 - What helped her create her next level of happiness, and inner peace success

03:48 - The mentality of doing it all by yourself

05:08 - How Leslie’s program is designed to give people permanent and long-lasting success

05:34 - What is more healing to know?

08:21 - Waiting for an invitation to live your greatest potential

14:33 - How no one who’s got a level of success has done it all alone

16:02 - Your success is my success

16:47 - How to create a mindset and wavelength of successful people

17:43 - It’s the backing

18:41 - A very smart tactic to have for success

19:55 - Vibrating in the same wavelength of vibration money and energy

22:06 - The gift you can give yourself

Valuable Resources:

Register for our LIVE FREE Monthly “Themed” Healthy Hypnosis Hour! Join Emotional Mastery Coaching with Leslie

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