In the pursuit of true happiness, we often find ourselves engaged in an inner battle. This battle is unique to each individual, but one common struggle that many face is the delicate balance between food obsession and fear. 

It's a battle that can consume our thoughts, hinder our ability to find joy, and prevent us from realizing our true potential. 

In this episode, we delve into the depths of this inner battle, exploring the complexities and offering insights to help navigate towards a place of genuine happiness and freedom. 

Join Renee as she shares her struggles of being stuck, what kept her from getting help and being coached  and unravel the intricate layers that hinder her true happiness and uncover the path towards a more fulfilling life.

"Consider the fact that you're not actually feeling the pain. You're crying, you're talking about what's going on. You're analyzing, but you're not actually getting through it. Otherwise, you would be way beyond this in less than five years. And that's what I gotta get communicated to people, you're not actually feeling the pain. And that is my secret weapon, we go in it, but with purpose not so you can feel shittier, but so you can feel happy in seconds over, and over again."  - Leslie Thornton

What you will learn from this episode:

02:23 - Reasons she keeps holding back from proactively seeking solution

09:17 - The shift in value as she looks into her food obsession issue [quantum moment]

11:10 - Feeling a 'lone soldier' moments navigating it herself and getting help

12:09 - An internal battle going through herself as she faces her struggles everyday[don't know what the next step is]

14:37 - The negative self-talk that happens to her

15:50 - Resistance from getting help and the scary thing about getting help for her

21:04 - Having the issue of therapy, coaching that relates to the idea of fixing herself

21:30 - The idea of fixing being pain and suffering, and she's tired of it already 

22:38 - Fixing her problem alone for five years and she finds it tiring

25:31 -  Leslie giving a picture of the best thing [transformation] that can happen if she takes action and get external help

26:48 - Having the pain of not having that clarity of what she really wants

30:57 - What she's describing means inner critical thinking and how emotional mastery tools can help her

32:31 - Spending her whole life avoiding pain and not getting through it

34:22 - Leslie's perspective of giving her the fast and quickest way to getting through the pain

Valuable Resources:

Free Monthly Hypnosis for Weight Loss Session Join the 8-week Fastrack to Food Freedom Program -Guaranteed mental and emotional freedom from food 

Connect With Leslie:

Book A Clarity Call

Free 2 Hour Masterclass—How I Lost Weight Permanently and Stopped Stress Eating without Dieting or Strenuous Exercise




Email: [email protected]

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