Do you get triggered at the slightest provocation from anything? Do you snap at every little thing that upsets you? Are you always out to prove to people that you're the best at what you do and feel invincible? You get all the success in your career, but it seems like all this is wanting.

That's how things look like when your personal being within is not in tune with what you appear outside. There's a constant clash reflected in how you relate to people and yourself; your joy and happiness are not authentic.

In this episode, Brigette Sobus shares how NLP became the massive transformational modality that brought about groundbreaking life changes in her. A complete reframing of the mind happened to her, working deep into the subconscious, weeding out the remnants of past hurts and trauma. With it, she feels that any emotions are never holding her up now. She learns to tap into her emotional mastery tools and never numb them with food, alcohol, or anything she can think of. She now has the freedom to live in joy, happiness, and abundance even amidst life's trials.

 "There are ripple effects [NLP]; it makes everybody else’s lives better. And that just is like a ripple effect on the world, which I think is one of the most powerful things." - Brigette Sobus

What you will learn from this episode:

04:17 - Sharing how her personal life wasn't a reflection of all the success she's been getting in her business and career 

11:19 - Becoming ego-driven, a people pleaser, and a coach with short lived breakthroughs and how it's taking a toll on her

16:28 - A whole new different person with NLP

19:02 - What influenced that fire within her to be a go-getter and leader

23:07 - The interesting thing about NLP and how it massively transformed the way she handles difficult situations

31:34 - Feeling overjoyed over the ripple effect of what NLP has done to her students

33:38 - NLP tool that has been the most helpful for her

34:40 - How timeline therapy works best

38:30 - Living her best life despite having a second diagnosis of cancer

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