Do you find it hard to return to your ‘normal life’ after a long Rest Cycle? When that stacked up to-do list that you left to the side while resting suddenly looks daunting (and a little boring)? Join me for a new solo episode where I chat through 3 tips for smoothly re-entering life after a Rest Cycle. Some of the hidden gems in this episode might surprise you!



Holly Maree


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Instagram @thehollymaree

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Hey, did you hear? I am coming to you, live and in person!

Join us for the first ever Manifestor VIP Day. An intimate gathering of high level impact for 9 Manifestors who are ready to make a quantum move in their lives. On March 26th we will be meeting in Los Angeles for a day that will shake your power awake. Tickets close on 22nd February 2022 (unless sold out sooner). Hit up for more details!