Have you ever wondered how a Manifestor can actually thrive in business while truly honouring their unique design? How do we use the strategies we need to support our business growth, while also allowing ourselves to be unpredictable and follow urges? Join this phenomenal  conversation with our guest (and one of my favourite people!), Rubeena Ianigro, founder of @thegraymuse and @theuaraamarket , as we talk about the real truth of embodying your Manifestor design in the online business world. This episode is incredible – don’t miss it!


Holly Maree

Connect with Holly

Instagram @thehollymaree

Work with Holly thehollymaree.com

P.S. Did you know that Manifestors are easily among the most commonly misunderstood energy types? It isn't because people don't TRY to understand us. It is simply that there is so much mystery surrounding a Manifestor aura that has yet to be explained in a way we can all understand. 

This is the exact reason why I created A Guide to Manifestors! It is a digital pdf guide designed to help non-Manifestors (or Manifestors who want to understand themselves better) to better understand the Manifestor energy and love us well! 

If you so desire to, click here to check it out.


Connect with Rubeena

Instagram @theauramarket

Work with Rubeena theauramarket.com

Learn more about Rubeena

Rubeena is a 2/4 Splenic Manifestor and an intuitive entrepreneur. She is founder and Creative Director of The Gray Muse as well as the founder of The Aura Market - one of the best gift shops for the human-design-obsessed.