Previous Episode: Re-Entry After Rest

Do you have a Manifestor kid? Me too! Parenting a Manifestor can be one of the most challenging roles we ever take on. From teaching them to inform, allowing them freedom to initiate their urges and never being able to control anything they do - this gig can be tough! But what happens when your normally peaceful Manifestor child explodes with anger? Helping your Manifestor child with anger is one of the single most important journeys you need to lead them on. Join me in this episode as I talk about what Manifestor anger in kid looks like, why they need it and how we can help them navigate it. Plus, you will find out why my couch now has a hole in it!



Holly Maree


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Instagram @thehollymaree

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Hey, did you hear? I am coming to you, live and in person!

Join us for the first ever Manifestor VIP Day. An intimate gathering of high level impact for 9 Manifestors who are ready to make a quantum move in their lives. On March 26th we will be meeting in Los Angeles for a day that will shake your power awake. Tickets close on 22nd February 2022 (unless sold out sooner). Hit up for more details!