I have to take this risk I have to push myself out to suffer you know I have to sacrifice in order to achieve that success otherwise I'll never be that guy that I wanted to be. - Donald Suxho, World Olympian Ep. 148

I think what happens for a lot of people is when they have an event like that rather than turn pain into passion and drive they cushion it they take a drug to eat some food they watch Netflix they numb the pain if people can understand that when you're given a pain when you lose the game when you lose the game of Monopoly to your brother or you learn lose the football game where you miss out on the girl or you don't get to be the class president where you don't get to you know beat the competition with your company you lose out on the contract what I got really good at was turning that pain that that pain at the moment into Drive into passion into I will find a frickin way no matter what. - Rock Thomas, Farm Boy to Billionaire Ep. 169

If you are having this thought that's in a way literally taking over your body it's so much more painful to have that thought than to actually do it. - Tima Elhajj, Top LinkedIn Creator Ep. 149

When life doesn't challenge you and life will challenge all of us you should challenge yourself modern society is designed a very comfortable life hang out and watch Netflix and order food on Uber eats and you get stuff delivered to you and like it's comfortable it's enjoyable the sense of meaning the sense of satisfaction the deeper sense of purpose that I got from really struggling for three years that sense of meaning and purpose is a much deeper level of fulfillment than whatever momentary pleasure I get from you know binge-watching a Netflix show it's easy to grab hold of whatever the momentary pleasure is and not put in long-term suffering to get that ultimate payoff. - James Clear, NYT Bestselling Author Ep. 202

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