Take a listen to this inspirational clip on how and why to start your personal brand and what most people do that makes them quit after 3 weeks. Social media is the ultimate mirror.

Phone call: hey bro I’m trying to start a brand, podcast, business and don’t know what to do and how do I get followers?

Well before I answer that …. why do you even want to do this?

Uh I don't know man….my friends are all doing something, every time I go on social you’re posting something cool and I just feel like I’m wasting my life.

Right so are you trying to post stuff on social media so you can look cool to all your friends, therefore doing something based on other’s people’s standards of you and eventually quit after 3 weeks?

Before developing your brand or account on social media. You need to develop yourself first.

This doesn’t matter if you’re 15 or 50.

Here’s the reality: most people don’t post on social media because they fear the opinions of others or think they don’t have anything meaningful to say.

I don’t think people understand this but when you post content on social media it’s the ultimate mirror.

Yea it’s a highlight reel but after enough videos, podcasts, interviews the real truth of who you are comes out to the world and you can’t stop it.

So before you get fancy trying to figure out every hack & tip in your mind. Build the foundation of yourself first.

As Jay Samit says - “Everyone wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves.”

and how do you make it so you don’t fear or care about other people’s opinions of you? You need to find a higher destiny to move towards.

Here’s the straightforward way:

Love yourself. Really care for yourself as if you’re taking care of the person you love the most in this world.

Be honest. Right down your strengths and weaknesses. Be honest because no one will see this. Denial and lying to yourself will hold you hostage.

Now, right down what would happen to your life if you take advantage of your strengths and manage your weaknesses in the most ideal scenario in the next 10 years. So if you’re 21 imagine yourself at 31 - with the ideal life you want, helping the people you want to help, going to the places you want to go to or maybe just to feel better than where you are right now.

Now, I need you to do the same thing but if you close out this video, throw away the piece of paper and say this isn’t for me...in 5 - 10 years where do you think your life’s going to go?

Imagine what will happen in your future if don’t do something about your social life, bad spending habits, addictions, your physical body, what if something terrible happens in your life like your parents dying or a illness diagnosis and you’re not the person you knew you could be.

You need to conceptualize your hell and heaven. Whether you bring your dreams or nightmare into reality…it’s all in your hands.

Why? Because here’s the thing as humans we have awful future literacy. We know very little about what will actually happen in the future. That’s why if you look at Technology every generation has been afraid of the new technology that emerges…all of it…it’s not just social media and iPhone but people were afraid of recorded music and brewing coffee!

Since we have no insight into the actual future. the best way to predict your future is to create it.

If you don’t have a Compelling future that you build BRICK by BRICK everyday your primitive monkey mind will default into the worries of the past and anxieties of the future.

Now you need to understand the real indicator of what you do or do not do in your everyday 24 hours….

So many people know what they’re supposed to be doing but don’t do it….the key to that and some matrix type sh*t is Identity

the entire game is what about you think about yourself when you are with yourself.

Leverage your environment to form you into the person you want to be.
- You feel like you don’t know yourself? Put yourself in difficult and unknown situations.
- Low Self Esteem? Surround yourself with people who will lift you higher.
- Think you think & worry too much? Learn how to do holotropic breathing
- Think you’re stupid? Spend every damn moment reading a book from a world class expert/teacher and get a mentor
- Don’t have energy/motivation? Get rid of the people around you who are bringing you down and surround yourself with winners and start taking care of your physical body like what you eat and exercise everyday.
- Don’t know who you are? Shut off your environment with Mindfulness meditation and ground yourself in that activity everyday.

When you post on social. You can’t post about a facade or perspective of yourself you want people to know about.

If you do….people will see right through it and you’ll gain absolutely no success.

The world has taught us a lie….that success is luck or someone else has to put us on. We have more opportunity right now regardless of where you were born, your race, gender.

Technology has leveled the playing field and only the best of the best will win.

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Mark Metry - https://www.markmetry.com/

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