You're listening to the 50th episode of the Humans 2.0 podcast, solo-series, FLOW! Today's episode is on a story that struck me deeply a few days ago - The Beggar and the Treasure.

This beggar sat on the road for more than thirty years begging for pennies.

One day a man passed by the beggar… “Spare some change?” asked the beggar

The man replied:

 ”I have nothing to give you, but what is this thing you are sitting on?”

The beggar said: “It’s an old box I’ve been sitting on for a long time,”

“Have you tried opening it to see what is inside?”
 The man asked,
The beggar replied, “Of course not, there is nothing inside, it is empty.”

The man insisted the beggar look inside… 
and to his surprise he discovered an abundance of gold and treasure.

The beggar had lived almost his entire life begging for pennies, while he sat on a fortune of treasure.

Looking back at my life I was always searching for myself outside of myself. -

I always had an if and then statement, story, narrative in my mind. -

If x then y

X usually meant money, people, circumstances, importance, security, family and Y is happiness and fulfillment.

I figured this out over many mistakes and am still in the process of figuring it out today. -

At the age of 15 I luckily stumbled into an extremely successful financial venture. I got all the money I ever wanted in my life. But, the story in my head about myself didn't change. -

While all my friends were chasing degrees and six-figure salaries (which is really their parents love) - chasing the if and then statement I was trying to figure out how life and my mind worked.

This is one of the greatest lessons on deep fulfillment we should be teaching ourselves. -

What did you get out of this?

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