You're listening to the 47th episode of the Humans 2.0 podcast, solo-series, FLOW! Today's episode is on the concept of affirmations. Many people have mixed feelings about this concept. Is it new-age hippie material or real ancient articulated wisdom?

Science and Non-Science of Affirmation

Repeatedly being exposed to radio advertisements, TV advertisements, and billboards with key messaging could be considered an unconscious imbibing of affirmations, which if accepted by the subconscious, could influence decisions (positive or negative) towards the advertised product or service.

Affirmations are positive statements. When properly formed, affirmations can counteract some of our negative thoughts and habits, resonating with the alpha brain waves and enabling us to achieve empowerment. I frequently ask students and clients to give me examples of a positive affirmation.

Some of these examples include:

“I am strong”

“I am healthy”

“I am in control of my life”

“I have set my goals and I am moving towards them”

This is a great start, as affirmations with words and valuable phrases can be quite powerful, imprinting positive messages in our subconscious mind. These affirmations can help with rewriting the thoughts in the files, where often-negative messages that originate from a repeated phrase can be stored, The only barrier to achieving our personal goals is ourselves and we often need to retrain our thought patterns to see the joys, opportunities, and possibilities in life rather than the limitations.

Our thoughts can drive our attitudes, our actions, and our behaviors. We can use this powerful chain reaction for empowerment, achievement, success, and self-actualization.

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