You're listening to the 29th episode of the Humans 2.0 podcast, solo-series, FLOW! Today's episode is on the importance of going from 0 to your life to complete 100 effort and undivided attention.

“If you want something you've never had You must be willing to do something you've never done.”
― Thomas Jefferson

"I have talked about obsession many times and it is something that has pushed me. I have been called so many negative things -- I’m sure you have, too. So I looked up obsessed and it says, “the domination of one’s thoughts or feelings by a persistent idea, image, or desire.” The rest of the world treats this mindset like a disease, but I think it describes the perfect approach to success -- you must be obsessed with success. To dominate your space, your goals, your dreams and ambitions you must first dominate your every minute of every day, every interest and thought. Obsession is not a bad thing here it is a requirement to get where you want to go.

You must be fanatical about success so the world knows you will not compromise or stop. Until you become obsessed with your mission no one will take you seriously. Until the planet understands you will not give up or go away, that you are 100 percent committed and have complete and utter conviction, you will not get the attention you need and the support you want.

Think of obsession like a fire. You want to build it so big that people feel compelled to sit around it in admiration. With a fire you have to keep adding wood to sustain the intensity and the glow -- you must obsess over keeping the fire going or it will burn out and turn to ashes. Your dreams are that fire. Keep them burning bright or they will become ashes.

To create a massive reality -- a 10X reality -- you have to follow up every action with obsession to see it through to completion; otherwise it is not a success. You need to show up every day and take massive action and follow it up with more action. You cannot take breaks or sit on your laurels. You need to stay seriously motivated to take 10X actions every day no matter what -- sick, healthy, happy, sad.

Although most people already take action constantly, everyone knows deep down that it isn’t the kind of action that’s going to get them anywhere in life. Most are doing nothing or have always given up before they see something through to success. You must keep taking action and showing up and then show up more. Others retreat in an attempt to avoid failure and negative experiences. Huge sections of the population are merely operating at normal levels to get by and fit in -- we are taught not to stick out and get attention." - Grant Cardone

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