You're listening to the 28th episode of the Humans 2.0 podcast, solo-series, FLOW! Today's episode is on the pursuit of your journey and the element of patience and intent. Featuring, Eric Barker, his book presents science-based answers and expert insight on how to be awesome at life. Over 320,000 people subscribe to his weekly newsletter and his content is syndicated by Time Magazine, The Week, and Business Insider. He has been featured in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic Monthly, and the Financial Times. Eric is also a sought-after speaker and interview subject, and has given talks at MIT, Yale, Google, United States Military Central Command (CENTCOM), NASDAQ, and the Olympic Training Center.

How to Be Patient with Your Dreams:

1) Be Grateful
Some people recognize their life dreams or purposes as children, while others identify their dreams during adulthood. Whenever you come to know your dreams, you are very fortunate.

Be grateful for this knowledge, because then you have the opportunity to commit to seeing your dreams manifest. You also will inspire others to live their dreams, which is to be appreciated.

Are you grateful for knowing what your life dreams are? Remember the gift of that knowing.

2) Note Why Your Dreams Are Important Daily
Have you felt confusion or doubts about your actions to fulfill your dreams?

After handling various tasks to move closer to your dreams, you may feel unsure or doubtful when things don’t seem to be unfolding as quickly as you like. This is the perfect time to note WHY your dreams are important.

Each day, write why your dreams are significant. Read these statements aloud and feel excitement flow through you.This is a wonderful way to inspire yourself but still be patient.

Did you note why your dreams are important today? Take a few minutes to do it now!

3) Remember That Little Steps Make Big Dreams Come True
Do you look in awe at the achievements of famous people?

You may see them at an awards show, on a television interview, or on social media with tons of followers, but do you think of what it takes for the famous people to get there? Some parts of your dreams may unfold quickly, but many times, there is a process to their fruition.

4) Write About Your Progression
You can remain patient with your dreams by writing about your progression to realize them. Write about how you pursued your dreams throughout the day in a journal, notebook, or in the memo section of your cellphone.

Is your schedule packed during the day? No worries! Before going to bed each night, take at least five minutes to jot down developments related to your dreams. As you write daily, you’ll have a greater sense of appreciation and enthusiasm to do more the next day. Plus, looking at your progression regularly may show you that your dreams already manifested in some ways.

Have you been writing about the evolution of your dreams? If you answer yes, keep it up! If you answer no, start writing today!

5) Talk to Supporters You Trust About the Journey
While you probably heard that you shouldn’t share your dreams with others, there are ideal times to do so with the right people. Read that last part carefully. There are ideal times to share your dreams with the right people.

Who are the right people? The right people are those who encourage you to fulfill your deepest desires. They are people who share constructive feedback so you move forward with clarity and excellence. The right people know your dreams, but respect them and you enough not to share those dreams with others.

Do you have supporters you really trust to discuss your progress to fulfill your dreams? Whether it’s one person or 10 people, embrace the sincere support of trustworthy folks in your life. Talking to true supporters about your journey can help you be patient with your dreams.

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