Bryan Johnson is founder of Kernel, OS Fund and Braintree. In 2016, he founded Kernel, investing $100M to build advanced neural interfaces to treat disease and dysfunction, illuminate the mechanisms of intelligence, and extend cognition. Kernel is on a mission to dramatically increase our quality of life as healthy lifespans extend. He believes that the future of humanity will be defined by the combination of human and artificial intelligence (HI +AI). $100M commitment to Kernel in an effort to enhance human intelligence and reimagine our future. Unlocking our brain is the most significant and consequential opportunity in history — and it’s time sensitive.

Why now? Because the sooner we begin co-evolving human and machine intelligence, the better. The relationship between human intelligence and artificial intelligence (HI + AI) will necessarily be one of symbiosis.

The challenge and potential of exploring this co-evolutionary future is the biggest story of the next century and one in which a closeness in development velocity is a necessity. In order for that to happen, we need to begin working on HI in earnest.

In 2014, Bryan invested $100M to start OS Fund which invests in entrepreneurs commercializing breakthrough discoveries in genomics, synthetic biology, artificial intelligence, precision automation, and new materials development. My investment thesis was determined by analyzing what would maximally increase the probability that the human race would survive and thrive yet is underfunded relative to its importance.

I concluded it imperative to invest towards a global biological immune system, for us and our planet, enabling us to respond in real-time to risks that threaten our prosperity and build a future more magical than we can currently imagine.

Four years later, OS Fund performance is in the top decile among U.S. firms. Of the 28 investments, we have 4 unicorns, 26 up valuations, and 2 acquisitions.

In 2007, Bryan founded Braintree (acquired Venmo) which he sold to PayPal in 2013 for $800M.

Bryan is an outdoor-adventure enthusiast, pilot, and author of a children's book, Code 7.
Bryan's investments include endeavors to cure age-related diseases and radically extend healthy human life to 100+ (Human Longevity), replicate the human visual cortex using artificial intelligence (Vicarious), mine an asteroid (Planetary Resources), reinvent transportation using autonomous vehicles (Matternet), and reimagine food using biology (Hampton Creek), among others.

Please do NOT hesitate to reach out to me on LinkedIn, Instagram, or via email [email protected]

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