Diane A. Curran is the author of The Marketing Deck series, a one-of-a-kind biz book trilogy and game suite with a custom 90-card deck, published recently. The 3rd book, its Play-by-Playbook, complete the series to let readers play their way to new marketing momentum.

She is The Wow Whisperer, whom people hire to Wake Up Their Wow! An artist, writer, and career marketing consultant for many years, she is the founder of TheMarketingDeal.com, cavorting happily inside her computer and among many online virtual realities. Celebrating 45+ years of marketing and 4200+ presentations delivered in a diverse range of venues and creative media, she considers every day a fresh adventure.

Diane’s worked with thousands of clients and managed projects for everything from Winter Olympics fundraising campaigns, the early stages of Fidelity Investments, and a wide range of high tech, business-to-business marketers, and many regional/national not-for-profit and cultural organizations during her Boston days.

Since moving west to LA, she has focused on small business and professionals in practice, helping many a talented and dedicated vision-holder find their public voice. She’s guided new owners to spread their wings, and works with wonderful clients with entrepreneurial spirit at every stage of business development.

When she left Boston, little did she know her decades as both a speaker and artist would find her teaching people about Kings Louis XIV, XV and XVI and other historical renegades and artifacts. They are among the Getty Museum’s treasure trove of lavish art collections she guides visitor to savor with fun and frolic. When leading tours, Diane is fond of inspiring visitors of all ages and cultures to engage in lively chats and ponder… “What message is this work of art communicating to you?”

If you would like more information on Diane check out the following links below:

The Marketing Deal http://themarketingdeal.com/

Humans 2.0 Twitter - https://twitter.com/Humans2Podcast
Twitter - https://twitter.com/markymetry
Medium - https://medium.com/@markymetry
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/mark.metry.9
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/markmetry/
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mark-metry/
Mark Metry - https://www.markmetry.com/

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