Neil Patel is a New York Times bestselling author. The Wall Street Journal calls him a top influencer on the web, Forbes says he is one of the top 10 marketers, and Entrepreneur Magazine says he created one of the 100 most brilliant companies.

He was recognized as a top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 30 by President Obama and a top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 35 by the United Nations. Neil has also been awarded Congressional Recognition from the United States House of Representatives.

Neil Patel is the co-founder of Crazy Egg, Hello Bar and KISSmetrics. He helps companies like Amazon, NBC, GM, HP and Viacom grow their revenue.

Neil Patel, learned marketing because he had no choice in 2001. At the age of 16, he created his first website and paid a few marketing firms to help him out, but they provided no results and took all of his money. He was left with no choice but to learn marketing, and he eventually got good at it.

Neil never planned on doing marketing for other companies until he met his co-founder Mike Kamo. After working together for 7 years they decided to create a different kind of digital agency, one that was honest and only took on clients that they could actually help. And instead of focusing on growing their agency, their number one focus was to grow their clients and provide a ROI.

Humans 2.0 Podcast Show Notes:
[2:27] How do you spend your time here on planet earth?
[4:00] Neil Patel's Marketing Career Began at 15
[5:00] Expectations for First Marketing Project
[5:30] Internet as the Inner Plumbings of Human Attention
[6:40] Social Media Algorithm Update Mania
[7:45] One thing from Marketing that Neil Learned (Content)
[9:05] How do you figure yourself out? (Self-Awareness)
[9:35] Evolution of the Internet going to Take Us
[10:30] Transition from Articles/Photos to Videos/Podcasts
[12:00] Neil's Steps for Content Distribution
[12:15] How do you get ready to write articles?
[12:45] Neil Patel's ONE big Advice for Success in Any field
[13:25] Visit any Time in the History of your Life for 5 minutes, which time would you choose and why?

If you would like more information on Neil please check out the following links below:

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