PickWaste is a community initiative that was started out of the necessity to clean up mother earth. We make an impact by cleaning up local landscapes for one hour, once a week. It began as four young men but has quickly spread throughout the community. There are now over 200 people on our email list, and each week we clean up alongside 15-20 local volunteers. We are a team and a family, one that welcomes all members of any age.

Today I speak to Sam Demma, Dillon Mendes, and Scott Berty!

At PickWaste we know that nature and the vitality of the human species is one and the same. When we pollute Mother Nature, we are in turn causing much unnecessary suffering to ourselves.

- The oceans we fill with chemicals is ultimately the water we will drink and the fish we will eat!
- The air we pollute with greenhouse gases and smoke from industrial factories is ultimately the air that we will breathe in!
- The soil we spray with pesticides and fertilizers is ultimately growing the vegetables and fruits that we will eat!

This is why we believe there are so many diseases and degenerative conditions in today's society. This is why we're so passionate about PickWaste and saving the environment, and essentially saving all of humanity!

We are big believers in starting small towards producing massive change, and there is no better way to start fixing this problem than by picking up trash. Garbage clean up is so simple, yet so effective.

Simple because everyone can participate and there are no educational requirements. Effective because the law of social proof states that when people observe others partaking in any activity they will feel more inclined to join themselves! Its these little consistent actions that will change our planet.

X-Navy Seal, William H. McRaven, said that if you do the little things right you can change your life, and then change the world. We believe that picking up garbage is the little thing that can change our community, and then the world will follow!

- https://pickwaste.com/
- https://samdemma.com/
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/sam-demma/
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/dillonmendes
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottberty/

Please do NOT hesitate to reach out to me on LinkedIn, Instagram, or via email [email protected]

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Mark Metry - https://www.markmetry.com/

Humans 2.0 Twitter - https://twitter.com/Humans2Podcast

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