Working mums are burnt out.

I'm pissed off.
I'm frustrated.
I'm sad.
And I'm not going to be silent any longer.

What I am seeing in my work with professional working mums is disturbing and something has to be done.

I have spent the last eight weeks interviewing dozens of women who have reached out to me off the back of social posts I have shared around an alarming trend in working women around pervasive burnout.

There have been so many tears, so many cries for help, stories of needing to see a Psychologist and having to wait 5 months, significant weight gain, suicidal thoughts, 10 to 12 hours days attached to a Zoom screen, not moving from a desk other than to grab a quick tea and discs bulging out of necks as a result, and many of these women have contemplated or quit their highly-paid jobs.

I was so disturbed that I had to dig deeper, so, I chose to write my most recent psychology paper on the impacts of COVID-19 on working mums.

In this week's podcast, I want to share it with you and at the end, I'm going to offer up a couple of simple actions you can take if you are one of these working mums I speak of.

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Thanks for listening to this week's episode! If this podcast helped you in your journey to injecting more of what makes you feel good into each day please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave us an honest review.

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Here are the podcast resources I referenced in this week's episode
Episode 54 | Lessons of 2021
Episode | 13 Bounce Forward With Boundaries
Episode | 41 How To Say NO

If you'd like to learn how I can support you in breaking out of burning out book a Discovery Call today

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