Empathy, play, and the future. We speak with Julie Trell, Head of muru-D, Human API (connector of people, programs, and ecosystems), and SheEO Country Lead - Australia.

SheEO was launched in Canada in 2015. The model brings together 500 women Activators who will contribute $1,100 each. This money is pooled together and loaned out at zero percent interest to five women-led ventures selected by the Activators. The loans are paid back in five years and loaned out again, creating a perpetual fund for women-led businesses.

In this episode we unpack:

•Who Julie is as a human being, and her career history from working across education, corporate, consulting, and now funding women lead businesses
•What is SheEO and why investing in women-led businesses is critical to creating a more human future
•What gets Julie excited about in the future and equally what has her disturbed
•What humanising the future of work means to her, and how she is skilling herself to thrive in a word of tech


•Julie Trell LinkedIn
•SheEO Website
•muru-D Website
•muru-D Events