What is a happiness Hacker? We start the season with Penny Locaso Human First host and Happiness Hacker digs deep in a reverse interview with her game-changing friend Sheree Rubinstein, Founder and CEO of One Roof.

In this episode we unpack:

•Who Penny is as a human being and how she became the worlds first happiness hacker
•What she's excited about in the future
•Why many are afraid of the future and how Penny uses fear to help others embrace the age of uncertainty
•What Penny is afraid of at the moment and how she's tackling it.
•Her insights from her time at Singularity University at the NASA Research Centre working with the world-leading AI and technology innovators.
•What AQ is and why it is critical to each and every one of us to thrive in a world of tech.
•Penny's unconventional way of measuring her personal success
•And why intergenerational connection is critical to solving the challenges we face in the future.


•Adaptability Quotient / Your Secret Weapon To Remaining Relevant
•Penny Locaso LinkedIn
•Sheree Rubinstein LinkedIn