We all have unconscious biases. Without awareness and tools for confronting these biases, organizations will develop or extend major problems. The effects of such bias impact everything in an organization including recruiting and promotion decisions as well as heavily influencing company culture.

This episode's guest is an expert when it comes to confronting and eliminating unconscious biases. Brad Federman is the Chief Executive Officer of Performance Point, as well as an author, speaker, and a consultant with more than 25 years of corporate experience in various aspects of human resources.

Brad will also be co-hosting a session titled “Eradicating Unconscious Bias: How to Build a Diverse Workplace and Equalize Hiring, Pay, and Performance-Based Decisions” on November 14 in Nashville, Tennessee, at our event HR Comply 2019. Please consider joining us for that event. Learn more here: https://store.blr.com/hr-comply