Company culture is the name of the game in HR, but experts wonder how best to create that culture. Is it enough to just announce your mission objectives and print them on the wall? The guests for episode 93 of HR Works would argue that that does not go nearly far enough. They instead suggest implementing a purpose driven culture. What exactly is that? I’ll let our guests explain.

We are happy to have Keith Goudy, Managing Partner at Vantage join us today. For over 20 years Goudy has been a leader and a consultant. He has extensive skill in working with individuals and senior management teams to optimize their effectiveness and demonstrate strategic leadership. Dr. Goudy’s coaching specialties include accelerating the development of high potentials, helping company officers get to the next level in their careers, building and leading high performance teams, and minimizing unproductive behaviors and habits that can limit personal credibility and effectiveness.

We are also pleased to be joined today by Duncan Ferguson, Director of Client Services at the same organization. He has held a variety of senior leadership roles with both BP-Amoco and GATX. Prior to joining Vantage, Duncan was Managing Director at BPI Group, a global HR consulting firm. His role at Vantage is diverse and includes executive coaching, leadership development consulting, marketing, social media, and relationship management. Duncan has been researching what it means to be a “Best Boss” and how this impacts organizational leadership, engagement, performance, and retention.