Episode Name: Navigating the Aftermath: Unpacking Lessons and Charting the Next Steps After NaNoWriMo 2023 [NANOWRIMO Day 30]

Episode Number: 233


In this episode, Massiel reflects on a marathon of interviews with authors and industry experts, emphasizing the diverse approaches to book writing. Massiel encourages listeners to view writing as an art and to overcome the fear of imperfection in order to finish their works. She also provides guidance for both those who have and haven't completed a draft, suggesting tools like book journals and beta readers. Post-NaNoWriMo. Massiel advises staying connected with the writing community and shares personal experiences, concluding with a message of encouragement and gratitude for the journey.


Additional Resources

Website - www.blackheartedstudios.com

 Patreon Link - https://bit.ly/h2bpatreon

Freebie link - https://bit.ly/h2bebook

Massiel Email - [email protected]

Massiel's Coach.Me site - https://www.coach.me/massielwrites

Instagram - www.instagram.com/massielwrites

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/massiel-valenzuela-castaneda/

Facebook  - www.facebook.com/howtowriteabookpodcast


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